Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2016 arrow September 2016

Top Quick Age 50 and Over September 2016

1Dlugy, Maxim (11435629)50NJUSA2638
2Benjamin, Joel (10102511)52NJUSA2551
3Henley, Ronald W (10393701)59NYUSA2543
4Ivanov, Alexander (12513936)60MAUSA2539
5Meyer, Eugene B (10122953)64VAUSA2481
6Kudrin, Sergey (11257585)56CTUSA2462
7Lakdawala, Cyrus F (11486738)55CAUSA2441
8Donaldson, William John (10270294)57CAUSA2439
9Brooks, Michael A (11045685)55MOUSA2426
10Gurevich, Dmitry (12212800)59ILUSA2421
11Rohde, Michael A (10047871)57NYUSA2414
12Adler, Victor (12714318)68FLUSA2386
13Gorman, Dov (12462633)54NJUSA2379
14Monokroussos, Dennis (11502229)50INUSA2359
15Rizzitano, James A (10019656)55MAUSA2353
16Costigan, Richard A (10161371)57NJUSA2350
17Getz, Shelby D (11288499)54MDUSA2342
18Readey, John (10361877)57WAUSA2333
19Heinrich, Paul (12518465)66NVUSA2317
20Bonin, Jay Richard (10098327)61NYUSA2314
21Braden, Arthur (10498830)56CAUSA2297
22Figler, Ilye (12713319)69NYUSA2295
23Castaneda, Nelson (12564228)58CTUSA2290
24Hayward, Keith R (10025478)60TXUSA2268
=24Duckworth, William D (10436702)61CAUSA2268
26Hoffmann, Asa (10076994)73NYUSA2267
27Chase, Christopher W (10010985)59MAUSA2266
28Eidemiller, Mark (10145791)57PAUSA2264
29Randolph, John B (11226582)52OHUSA2259
30Renna, Anthony (10115094)56NYUSA2249
31Simms, Gary (10403227)74TXUSA2247
32Wygle, Stephen L (10253802)64OHUSA2239
33Wright, William B (12462971)53OHUSA2228
34Hanley, Joe (11385851)51CAUSA2226
35Zabrewski, Andrew (11143245)64OHUSA2220
36Kelleher, William (10012571)66MAUSA2219
37Kaufman, Lawrence Charles (10179416)68MDUSA2218
38Smith, Larry L (10447496)61CAUSA2216
39Ritter, Mark (10112044)61FLUSA2215
40Dubeck, Leroy W (10061083)77NJUSA2213
=40Maldonado, Oscar (12524006)50FLUSA2213
=40Singson, Melandro (12847790)55CAUSA2213
43Barnakov, Yuri Anatolievich (12964843)50OHUSA2212
44Saidy, Anthony F (10439949)79CAUSA2210
45Peysakhovich, Vitaly A (12564026)86NJUSA2207
46Lower, Spencer R (10421985)56AZUSA2205
47Dehmelt, Karl (10164176)59PAUSA2204
48Murthy, Pappu (11038824)66OHUSA2202
49Baker, Bruce (11323634)63CAUSA2201
50Cusi, Ronald (12455815)55CAUSA2200
=50Esterkin, Alex (15619392)50MAUSA2200
52Lonoff, Marc J (10015154)64ILUSA2199
53Johnson, Joel F (10009596)60AZUSA2192
54Katz, Michael S (12699061)69NJUSA2173
55Carter, David E (10029732)57VTUSA2170
56Malazarte, Ernesto L (13517950)64TXUSA2169
57Nolan, Gregory Matthew (10158419)61PAUSA2168
58Jones, Craig W (11264239)55NCUSA2166
59Pohl, Klaus A (10214033)79SCUSA2165
=59Britt, Thomas J (10273803)53OHUSA2165
61Wall, Brian D (10923344)61COUSA2163
62Richard, Robert W (10061393)69CAUSA2160
63Cunningham, Robin Joseph (11475388)51NCUSA2159
64Privman, Boris (12407354)59NJUSA2156
65Dowling, John (10321948)65OHUSA2155
66Diebert, Charles M (10269181)62OHUSA2154
=66Mcgrew, Timothy J (12541033)51MIUSA2154
=66Lapan, Dan (15086151)53NJUSA2154
69Friedman, Josef I (10310351)67COUSA2152
70Lunna, Todd W (10047943)66NJUSA2147
71Cooke, Eric (11180035)51FLUSA2143
72Navarro, Nicanor (12661171)62CAUSA2137
73Blalock, Rex E (11089739)63ALUSA2136
74Sulman, Robert (10123844)55NYUSA2135
75Cherniack, Alex (11096239)52MAUSA2133
76Bauer, Richard (10583896)61CTUSA2132
=76Marinello, Beatriz (12537449)52NYUSA2132
78Curdo, John A (10009201)84MAUSA2129
79Reuter, William C (12452791)55TXUSA2128
80Jacobs, Jon (10098068)62NYUSA2126
=80Lipman, Vladimir I (12772384)67NJUSA2126
82Umstead, Glenn (11304001)55NJUSA2125
83Gilden, Larry C (10170184)73MDUSA2124
=83Sandager, Stephen M (10424101)65NMUSA2124
85Botta, Alejandro (12740272)55MAUSA2120
86Colding, Ernest (10099463)58NYUSA2119
=86Pensoneau, Chris (10387493)57CAUSA2119
88Mc Carthy, Brian (11060871)55GAUSA2117
89Hulse, Brian (10078644)65TXUSA2113
=89Kwartler, Lonnie S (10086795)73NYUSA2113
=89Joelson, Michael (12051880)61OHUSA2113
92Martinak, Tom M (10140447)59PAUSA2112
=92Marcelino, William (12423786)55VAUSA2112
94Hart, Charles M (10004071)61NJUSA2110
95Allen, David (10262526)56OHUSA2109
96Hoover, Nathan E (12455097)50MNUSA2108
97Wilson, Fred (10077508)70NYUSA2106
98Harris, Neal D (10211191)60NCUSA2105
=98Kurosaki, Takashi (12501916)62CAUSA2105
100Times, Lawyer (12167330)51MAUSA2104
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
